This page is dedicated to articles about things I do and work on.
Take a look!
Socket A / Socket 462 hijinks
Documenting ongoing “fun” with AMD’s memorable, but not-so-dependable platform.
Part 1: Socket A and I
Part 2: Broken dreams, cracked cores
Part 3: TLC (Totally, Literally Complete)
Part 4:
To be continued!
Finders keepers, losers weepers - why untested consoles are (mostly) worth buying
Part 1 of bargain PlayStation series and an adventure in olfactory experiences.
A deductive approach to PS2 diagnosis
Part 2 of bargain PlayStation series and digging into PS2 fault diagnosis.
A wall of text about a fake pendrive
Bizzarro fake pendrive hides a nasty secret.
My adventures in growing peppers
Me! And my gaaaaaaarden!